2014 Female winners: Sky Canaves (1st),
Karyn Delay (2nd), Lauren Dorsky (3rd)
2014 Male winners: Joe Marinaccio (1st), Aaron Heath (2nd), George Worth (3rd)
Class of 1954 winners: Lydia Redding (female), Andre Aroneanu (male)
2013 Female winners: Emi Yasaka (1st),
Sky Canaves (2nd), Lauren Dorsky (3rd)
2013 Male winners: Tommy Pyon (1st), George Worth (2nd), Tim Henderson
Class of 1953 winners: Jill Biddington (female), Charles Bifulco (male)
2012 Female winners: Jodi Kartes Heino
(1st), Alicja Barahona (2nd), Cheryl Yanek (3rd)
2012 Male winners: Aaron Heath
(1st), George Worth
(2nd), David Walker (3rd)
Class of 1952 winners: Barbara Saldick (female), Arpan DeAngelo (male)
2011 Female winners: Jodi Kartes Heino
(1st), Susan Warren (2nd), Alicia Barahona (3rd)
2011 Male winners: Aaron Heath
(1st), Phil McCarthy
(2nd), Jerry Pannullo (3rd)
Class of 1951 winners: Pat Carroll (female), James Gawle (male)
2010 Female winners: Jodi Kartes Heino
(1st), Concetta Acunzo (2nd), Alicia Barahona (3rd)
2010 Male winners: Phil McCarthy (1st), Aaron Heath (2nd), Rudy Afanador (3rd)
Class of 1950 winners: Natalia Service (female), Peter Martin (male)
2009 Female winner - Jodi Kartes-Heino
2009 Male winner - Byron Lane
2008 Female winner - Kimberly Battipaglia
2008 Male winner - Byron Lane
2007 Male Winner-Phil McCarthy
2007 Female Winner-Jodi Kartes-Heino
2006 winners-
Males- Rudy Afanador 1st, Byron Lane 2nd, Ryutaro Hirai 3rd
Females- Jodi Kartes-Heino 1st, Alicia Barahona 2nd, Betty Horstmann 3rd.
2005 winners-
Males- Phil McCarthy 1st, David Rye 2nd, John Cantwell 3rd
Females- Alicja Barahona 1st, Admas Belilgiue 2nd, Ruth Liebowitz 3rd.
The 6 Hour-60th Birthday Run qualifies as
one of the most enjoyable races on Long Island
-a low key, fun filled event.
The course is a scenic 2.1 mile loop, with gentle rollling hills, mainly on
grass and dirt paths in
beautiful Sunken Meadow Park.
There were more than 100 participants last year-all who enjoyed great food at
the post race party-
and even better company during the run!
Let's show our friends how much we care for them and show up for this years
Birthday Extravaganza!!
If you were born in 1954
and are not
a GLIRC memeber, feel free to invite your friends
and families and join in on the celebration!
Contact the GLIRC for additional information
(516-349-7646) or