From: "Richard Innamorato" <>
To: <All Registered Runners>,
Subject: FA Trail Mix-up Info:
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 22:55:25 -0500

Dear Trail Mix-up Entrant,


Firstly, I wish you and all your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving.  I hope your Thanksgiving plans are much more simplified than mine.  Good thing I have push pins.


I also want thank all of you for your interest in the Fat Ass Trail Mix-up 30K/50K.  I noticed many entries were Broadway Ultra Society (BUS) newcomers and I welcome you to be part of our madcap family on December 21.


But I’m mainly writing to say that I have some bad news and some good news.


First, the BAD news. 


The Trail Mix-up on December 21 will not be held at Forest Park.  I seemed to encounter a phenomenon that defied all imagination.  It was called a grouchy Parks Manager.  This person seemed not to be an ultra fan.  She gave the indication to be against everything.  I think in her next life she will be coming back as a member of the Tea Party or a theater critic.  I tried to convey what an ultra event is about.  But our Parks friend had trouble with a few criteria like bib numbers, having tables, the tents, intersecting the bridle paths ( I think she meant equine), running on the sidewalk, having water at the aid station and just being near the track area.  Something about one of us being hit with a speeding soccer ball or stud missile.  I am being facetious of course……………………….well maybe not totally?   The meeting was a very difficult hour.  What made it even more difficult was that it was just held last Friday, November 21.  It seemed apparent that was the idea, not giving enough time to file a response. 


I’m not going to lie but I came away agitated, frustrated and rejected.  Reminded me when they got my order wrong at the Shake Shack.  I then discussed the matter with Tim Ryan of New York Ultra Running (NYUR) how to salvage the event.  Tim suggested we should try to find another venue.  I made a few calls to other Parks’ contacts and thankfully they were very helpful.


The GOOD news.


The Fat Ass Trail Mix-up is still ON and will be held on Sunday, December 21 stating at 9:00 AM.  But the location will be Alley Pond Park in Eastern Queens.  The staging area will not be at the Tennis House like the previous two BUS events, but at the Alley Picnic area.  It is also the location of the Alley Pond Adventure Center.  This location is easy to reach by car and mass transit entrants can take a short LIRR ride from Manhattan, Brooklyn, Woodside or Jamaica to the Queens Village station and will be transported to the site.  Another way there is the IND subway and the Union Turnpike bus.


The trail mix-up format (two distinct loops) will still be conducted depending on weather and/or course conditions.  But please note that trail network in Alley Pond Park is not Forest Park, but this “pinch hitter” will still appeal to your liking.  I have been able to link together a continuing trail stretch of 2 miles and will connect with some paved paths to form the 30-kilometer loop or morning loop.  The remaining 20K will be solely on a combination of paved paths to complete 50 kilometers.  Because of the Holiday week, I have not been able to “meet” with Parks regarding the new venue about its corresponding logistics.  Hence, I cannot relay at this time the exact distances of each loop.  But I think the first loop with the trails will be somewhere between 3 and 4 miles.  The paved loop will range around 4 kilometers to 5K .


Though there has not been an official bureaucratic meeting, there has been a series of e-mails claiming that most of our needs will be provided.  One such request was being allowed to erect a 20X30 tent for shelter for all of us.


I realize many of you coveted to run the Forest Park trails and probably are disappointed.  I apologize the inconvenience.  But BUS will do their best with this alternative to supply a good ultra experience.  I would appreciate your cooperation and understanding.  I will be back in touch with more details as I know them.


Meanwhile, enjoy your holiday week and hope to see you next month.


Take care & cheers,


Richie Innamorato

Broadway Ultra Society